Recruit more full-time QTBIPOC faculty | Active, Ongoing |
Implementing specific recruitment and retention strategy for employees of color, aiming to have leadership and various departments reflect the demographics the school serves, utilizing a data-informed, continuous improvement, and accountability model.
Use external organizations for faculty/staff recruitment | Active, Ongoing |
Partnering with recruiting firms, finding organizations who prioritize diverse and equitable hiring practices.
Set standards for job posting, recruitment, interviewing and hiring practices | Started |
Hiring managers trained on best practices, unconscious bias, and Thacher's evolving policies. Hiring practices made more transparent and clearly communicated to faculty and staff.
Hire and promote employees with commitment to Thacher's DEI goals | Planning Stage |
Hiring managers utilizing established DEI specific questions in interview process.
Diversify senior leadership to reflect faculty/staff | Planning Stage |
Attending diversity recruitment fairs, identifying potential leaders from outside of the community.
Improve practices to retain faculty of color. | Started |
Conducting exit interviews, regularly meeting with new and existing faculty, creating consistent onboarding practices. Providing specific and targeted support for employees who have the most marginalized identities, from the moment an individual signs their contract, to transition out of the school.
Regular training for all employees on how to address bias incidents among students and adults. | Active, Ongoing |
Bias report forms created, faculty/staff trained to incorporate this practice and utilize established protocol
Professional development requirement for senior leadership on DEI to set example to faculty and staff. | Planning Stage |
Establishing required benchmarks to ensure all school leaders are continuing their efforts on DEI work.
Evaluate diversity in departments, people and policies | Planning Stage |
DEI director sits on academic council, one-on-one work with department chairs, teaching teams to ensure there is up-to-date information on DEI practices across the school.
DEI related feedback channels for School Leadership | Active, Ongoing |
Utilizing Schoolhouse and Senior Leadership feedback forms, normalizing opportunities for faculty/staff to meet with Head of School, Assistant Head of School, Dean of Faculty and Director of Diversity Equity and Inclusion.
DEI competency standards achieved for all student-facing faculty/staff | Started |
Creating and monitoring required DEI competency benchmarks for all student-facing faculty and staff, facilitating easier access to opportunities to help faculty and staff attain the standard.