30 Years / 30 Minutes - Thacher Magazine Excerpt

30 Years / 30 Minutes
Senior Exhibitions Celebrate a Milestone with Another Impressive Year of Learning and Leadership

30 years ago, Thacher launched a new program that would change the trajectory of its students’ learning and become a hallmark of our graduates’ experience. 

The Senior Exhibition program has long been a unique component of a Thacher education and continues to serve as the culminating academic experience for every  Thacher student and a signature part of Thacher’s overall program.

Much like the projects themselves, the program began with a question: how can we create an even more impactful educational experience for our graduates that inspires
curiosity, passion, and self-directed learning as they prepare to embark upon the next chapter in their lives?

Read the full feature article here, in the 2024 Spring/Summer edition of Thacher Magazine. 


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